In this latest article in my picks series, discover a few of my favourite content published in the last thirty days.
Last month, I was writing about a contribution to the United Nations’ Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights by four UK grassroots organisations. This month, Just Fair wrote a piece analysing the UN committee’s newest report, demanding the UK government for clarification on several issues. The article details issues appearing for the first time (like climate change) and the ones that are missing from the list. The British government has one year to answer the UN’s concerns and give evidence for its protection of Economic, Social and Cultural rights of all in the country.
To discover more about the importance of languages in international conflicts, this New York Times article on the changing linguistic landscape in Ukraine since the war began – with insights from Ukrainian online content creators who have ditched Russian, the popular language in the region, for Ukrainian as a sign of support for their country.
This interesting article traces back the history of the exclamation point and why it will most likely not disappear anytime soon. The dislike of the exclamation mark is linked to negative evaluations around expressing emotions – but interviewee Florence Harzat argues emotions are a useful tool, for “effective writing and effectively expressing ourselves”.
An analysis by the Institute for Public Policy Research shows poverty in Scotland – and especially child poverty – should and can be tackled. They propose practical and fundable solutions that could lift 60,000 out of poverty: “the core message is clear: the opportunity to take more radical action is there – now we need to see the political will to deliver it.”