My videos:
- ATD Fourth World UK, Mothers explain why Family Well-Being Days at ATD are important (June 2024)
- ATD Fourth World UK, World Well-being Week – Instagram (June 2024)
My articles:
- ATD Fourth World UK, Tammy: ‘Parent-to-parent, we can feel understood’ (June 2024)
- ATD Fourth World UK, Happy World Art Day: celebrating creativity to tackle poverty (April 2024)
- ATD Fourth World UK, Pampering results: “I feel like I can take on the world” (March 2024)
- ATD Fourth World UK, The right to a holiday, from rural England to the French mountains (February 2024)
- ATD Fourth World UK, What well-being is, and how to create the conditions for it to flourish (November 2023)
- ATD Fourth World UK, Domestic Violence and Poverty: “That night I left, we had nothing” (November 2023)
- ATD Fourth World UK, The Power of Creativity – A photo exhibition by people in poverty (October 2023)
- ATD Fourth World International, ATD Fourth World UN Human Rights and Poverty Advocate (January 2023)
I also author and design posts for social media.

- ATD Fourth World UK, Tammy, Parent Advocate (June 2024)
- ATD Fourth World UK, It’s World Art Day! (April 2024)
- ATD Fourth World UK, Well-Being is affected by our mental health, (February 2024)
- ATD Fourth World UK, Well-Being Wrapped (January 2024)
- ATD Fourth World UK, What does creativity mean to you? (December 2023)
- ATD Fourth World UK, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 2023)
And I wrote and edited this newsletter for ATD Fourth World: Happy Well-Being Week!
My photographs can be found on this page or in this PDF portfolio.
You can also look at some of my work as a photojournalist:
- ATD Fourth World UK, International Women’s Day 2023 (March 2023)
- Some of my work for Hans Lucas (2020-2022)
- La Voix Du Nord, Front page (June 2021)
- Hans Lucas, French Boccia flies to Tokyo (December 2021)
- Collectif Gerda, Women’s Day March (March 2020)
I am also a book reviewer for Reedsy Discovery:
- In Circling Flight – Review (September 2022)
- Life Between Moments: New York Stories – Review (August 2022)
You can read and listen to me in French here:
- Twitter, “Le gouvernement a demandé un ‘effort’ aux Français pour économiser de l’énergie” : Pourquoi ça pose problème et ne fait pas (assez) avancer la lutte contre le dérèglement climatique (Septembre 2022)
- Pépère News, Tout pour comprendre les élections départementales à Lille (June 2021)
- [Live Broadcast] Pépère News, Etudiants : Quelle vie face au Covid? – Débat Politique (1:01:28 to 1:37:09) (January 2021)
- Pépère News, PORTRAITS. Les Pompiers du Nord en lutte (November 2020)
- Le Journal Du Dimanche, Russie : ce qu’il faut savoir sur Alexeï Navalny, l’opposant politique qui pourrait avoir été empoisonné (August 2020)
- Le Journal Du Dimanche, Boycott en NBA : ce qu’il faut savoir sur ce mouvement inédit dans le sport américain (August 2020)
- [Podcast] Pépère News, Les Mordus de l’Actu #12: Le grand dossier des municipales à Lille (25:57 to 28:06) (March 2020)
- Pépère News, Dans le Nord, un revenu universel pour la société post Covid-19 ? (March 2020)
- [Podcast] Pépère News, Les Mordus de l’Actu #11 : Béverly Joliet (PS), l’invitée des municipales (11:37 to 31:40) (February 2020)
- [Video Project] Reportage : une volontaire au milieu des toucans (November 2019)
All of my artices with Pépère News (in French) can be found here.